piątek, 21 czerwca 2013

StreaK's CLI Love - How To #2 - RSS and YouTube

Another short tutorial how to use RSS and download/play videos directly from StreaK's CLI Love using snownews and my script called youplay..

* Make sure you have python installed [ 'installoptionalpackage python' ]
* Run snownews
* Press 'a' in snownews and:
* Add: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/Youtube_User/uploads?alt=rss&v=2&orderby=published&client=ytapi-youtube-profile and replace Youtube_User by other Youtube Username , for example my 'haikuosdev'
* Let snownews update the feed
* Go into updated feed
* Press 'o' on desired video feed
* Choose desired action [download video feed / play it directly with prebuffering..]
* Thats it..

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